Lancement du GT YODA

Dear members of the GDR GPL, dear member of the YODA working group,
tomorrow, Wednesday 24th of February, from 4 pm to 6 pm, will be held the kick-off meeting of the YODA working group.
YODA means "trustworthY and Optimal Dynamic Adaptation". It deals with distributed software adaptation (in a very broad meaning).
You can learn more about the working group here.
The agenda of the meeting is the following:
- [15 minutes]    presentation of YODA by the YODAdmins,
- [20 minutes]    a few words from each YODAn or/and a time to explain and fill the "YODAtrix" (YODA topics matrix)
- [30 minutes]    talk from Antoine Beugnard, “Around dynamic adaptation”
Abstract: We will give an overview of the work and the history of the team. The importance of architecture, the expression of variability and the understanding of processes to move towards safe reconfiguration.  We will illustrate with distributed components, deployment verification, PyMoult a framework for dynamic reconfiguration, and some examples in security.
- [30 minutes]    talk from Sébastien Mosser, “Anaximander, a lightweight approach to support software exploration”
Abstract: Uncharted territories and legacy pieces of software share several characteristics, such as the fear of the unknown (lack of documentation, development team close to retiring) or an ample exploration space (dozens of millions of LoCs). Coupling this to the emergence of architectural paradigms like the microservices one, which pushes separation of concerns to its limit, we are nowadays dealing with systems that are challenging to maintain. Classical reverse-engineering tools often work in an “all-or-nothing” way and are not designed to answer a “specific” question. As part of the COOL team at UQAM, we are developing Anaximander, a lightweight platform to support the exploration of legacy pieces of software. In this presentation, we will describe the principles of Anaximander and showcase its application to six reference architectures (SPLC’20, ICSOC’20) and the ongoing exploration of the LLVM compiler infrastructure.
- [15 minutes]    Discussion & votes - YODA meetings, YODA medias etc.
- [10 minutes]    Next speaker
If you are not a member of the working group but wish to join us you are welcome!
The YODAdmins.
Mercredi, 24 Février, 2021